The One and the Many

Building ImageMagick with support for HEIC images

iPhones now produce .heic images. ImageMagick, which I often use for image conversion, supports these in newer versions. However its support is new enough that the version of ImageMagick in Ubuntu/Debian repositories doesn't include it.

I didn't find good instructions about building ImageMagick with .heic support included, so I'm writing some! These steps worked for both ImageMagick 6 and 7 in an Ubuntu Bionic Docker container.

apt-get install build-essential \
  libde265-dev \
  autoconf \
  git-core \
apt-get build-dep imagemagick
./configure --with-heic
make -j4
make install
magick --version # You should see heic on the Delegates line


Posted by Boris K. at
For the build-deb to work I also needed to click on "Source code" in in `sudo software-properties-gtk` (`software-properties-kde` under Kubuntu). Also note, that `libheif-dev` is only available in *ubuntu 18.04+.
Posted by John at
Hei! Is it possible to run imagick with heic support in Centos? Regards
Posted by Will at
Yes, it should be possible. You'd likely need build some of the dependencies from source, as I expect its packages are less up to date. Unfortunately I don't have a CentOS system to play with to try it out. I'd probably run Docker and do this in an Ubuntu container though :-).
Posted by Rafeeque at
@Will, Do you have any update on ImageMagick with HEIC support on CentOS? Thanks in advance
Posted by raghu at
E: Unable to find a source package for imagemagick ,I got this error, please help
